Workout Wednesday-HIIT Workout of the Week


HIIT stands for High Intensity Interval Training, also known as SIT or Sprint Interval Training. HIIT is one of my favorite ways to work out, even the Booty Barre classes I teach are loosely based on the HIIT principle. High Intensity Interval Training usually lasts from 4 (Tabata) -30 minutes. My favorite HIIT  app is Nike Training Club, but there are so many resources out there these days like, Instagram and Pinterest  to get your quick fire HIIT workout of the day.

HIIT is a form of cardiovascular exercise that uses short bursts of anaerobic exercise with light recovery periods. Working out this way may improve athletic prowess as well as increased glucose metabolism or fat burn. There are many HIIT classes offered at local health clubs these days, but since I am on the road now more than ever. I find myself in the 2 x 2 gym in my Vegas hotel doing treadmill intervals or getting my sweat on in between two double beds. You can get a serious workout in a small room in less than twenty minutes.

So, with that said, I bring to you an ‘Up and Down The River’ HIIT workout designed by me. Let me know what you think! I will try my best to make ‘Workout Wednesday’ a new thing here on….so please let me know if there are any other kinds of workouts you would like to see and/or try.

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