
Jiu Jitsu


A few months ago I dragged my great friend Andrea to hot yoga. We are both former professional dancers so Yoga seemed like the perfect day date for two ladies who like to sweat, and of course, lunch at a juice bar followed. While eating our wonderful matching Acaii bowls we got to business, chatting about life, love and naturally Jiu Jitsu, in that order.

When Andrea started talking about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu it was like she just discovered chocolate for the first time. She spoke of the history and class with bubbly intensity and passion, but all I could do was picture her as the karate kid in all of her high knee bird-like glory [Bad Friend]. Come to find out she takes class every week right near my house, and I promised to make her a healthy delicious dinner if she took me to class. I also promised to be respectful to the Brazilian master Jiu Jitsu-er, and control my jokes and giggles [albeit, sometimes uncontrollable. They just take over].

Well here it is, me before class ready to karate kid the heck out of somebody right? Wrong! Come to find out that not only is Jiu Jitsu a phenomenal workout, but you don’t kick anything! The art of Brazilian Jiu Jitzu is something every woman should do at some point in her life. Not only is it one of the most empowering things I have ever done, but it gives women the ability to find an opponent or attackers weaknesses and TAKE. THEM. DOWN.

jiu jitsu-TaylorWalkerFit

During my first class I was able to work one on one with the teacher and his assistant to learn the basics of self-defense. I learned how to get out of a choke hold and a double arm grab with ease. Now, I say with ease..that was strictly in class, because you bet I had my husband come at me like a spider monkey the second I got home, and although I got out of the chock hold with only a two inch scratch to the neck. His come from behind attack only left me to endure a bear hug from my sweaty post run man piece. Needless to say, I will be definitely going back to class to work on my skill set.

Although, I am looking forward to working on my Jiu Jitsu craft. The best lesson I learned was at the end of class, and that was of the Jiu-Jitsu philosophy of 7-5-3;

the 7 Principles of Bushido, The 5 Keys to Health and Longevity and the 3 minds.

If every person could try their best to live their life by this principle, we would sure live a wonderfully beautiful life, with very strong relationships.

Jiu-Jitsu Philosophy: 7 – 5 – 3

The 7, 5, 3 Philosophy of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu incorporates the 7 Principles of Bushido, The 5 Keys to Longevity, and the 3 Zen Minds.

The Seven Principles Of Bushido.

  1. Right Action.  Doing what is just without regard to consequence.   (Correct judgment or procedure for the resolution of righteousness.)
  2. Having the inner strength to stand for what is right.
  3. Having a kind disposition that reflects love and affection for others.  “Benevolence brings under its sway whatever hinder its power, just as water subdues fire.”
  4. Being polite and courteous to others.  “In its highest form politeness approaches love.”
  5. Having integrity in word and action while following the Law of the Universe.
  6. Enjoying a reputation for ethical conduct.  “Dishonor is like a scar on a tree which time, instead of effacing only helps to enlarge.”
  7. Faithful allegiance.

 The 5 Keys To Health And Longevity

Daily exercise

Proper nutrition

Adequate Rest / Sleep


Positive Mental Attitude

3 Minds 

Zan Shin is translated as ‘Remaining Spirit’ and refers to a vigilant, all-encompassing awareness.  Zanshin is being fully present in the here and now.  The mind is fully aware of its surroundings and in a state of ever-readiness – unattached, yet present to the task at hand.

Mu Shin means ‘Mind Without Mind,’ or the state of No Mind.  Mu Shin is a state of spontaneity that allows immediate action without conscious thought.  “Mu” means “emptiness.”  The mind is empty in the sense that it is void of fear, anger, worries and various other preoccupations.  The absence of these distractions creates the space for an increased awareness and clarity. Mushin is sometimes referred to as “the zone,” – a relaxed state of peak performance.

Fu Do Shin is the ‘Immovable Mind.’  It is the mind that has met all challenges of life, and has attained a state of complete composure.  This state of mind cannot easily be disturbed by confusion, anger, doubt, or fear. It is the calm in the center of the storm.

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