Healthy Immune System (1 of 1)

Nutrition: The Cornerstone of Health & Tips to Boost Your Immune System

Nutrition & Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System

What is immunity?

By definition, immunity is the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific antibodies or sensitized white blood cells. Like your muscles, your immune system can be weak or it can be strong and in times like these, we want to make sure to be doing everything we can to strengthen our bodies ability to fight off viruses and bacteria. The immune system is a delicate system that relies on balance to optimally function. Like your car, you have the ability to keep your immune system running like a well oiled machine. You wouldn’t put diesel fuel in a Ferrari would you? Food, like fuel, can be premium grade or diesel. Finding a way to adjust your mindset to the food is medicine and food is fuel mentality can be tough, but it CAN be done.

Remember, consistent healthy consumption choices Fuel for your health and your health is powered immunity!

Actions you can take to strengthen your immune system include:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Do not smoke and drink alcohol only in moderation
  • Get adequate sleep
  • exercise regularly
  • Eat a nutritious diet

According to this article : Nutrition is Key to a Healthy Immune System

Nutrition & Tips to Strengthen Your Immune SystemAlthough healthy diet and strong immune system cannot prevent you from getting sick, you can prevent the onset of sickness by following the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC ) recommendations.

A healthy diet does ,however; have the ability to boost your immune response and fight off pathogens. Eating a well rounded diet rich in vitamins A, C, E, D and antioxidants will keep your immune system up and running in tip top shape.

Thanks to the experts at Baptist Health South Florida, I wanted to share a simple Acronym to help you increase the immune boosting properties of your diet.

Introducing the COPS-Z Immunity Boosting Diet

It’s a stretch, I know, but hear me out. Consuming foods based on COPS-Z can aid in keeping you vibrant and healthy!

C-Foods rich in vitamin C like citrus, kiwi and red bell peppers. Vitamin C is used for tissue repair, immune function and would healing. Vitamin C also increases the bioavailability of iron. So add citrus to your leafy green salad or a squeeze of orange in your oatmeal to get more “bang for your buck”.

O-Orange Foods (Beta-carotene): Foods like sweet potato, carrots, red bell peppers, pumpkin and squash have all been linked to lung protection and boosted immunity.

P-Probiotic rich foods promote gut health. Probiotics are the good bacteria we need in our digestive tract that get disrupted by sugar and alcohol. Probiotic rich foods like sauerkraut, kimchi and yogurt can help decrease inflammation and boost immunity.

S-Sunshine and vitamin D. When UV rays hit our skin the suns rays covert cholesterol to vitamin D which helps us fight infection. Foods like mushrooms, eggs, salmon and milks are fortified with vitamin D.

Z-Is for zinc. Zinc helps immune system fight bacteria and viruses and actually helps your body heal wounds. You can find zinc in wheat germ, beans, nuts, tofu, eggs and meat products.

Remember, there is a whole host of things you can do to help strengthen your immune system, but the cornerstone to your health and immunity is nutrition. Remember COPS-Z at every meal and you will give your body its best shot at warding off sickness!

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