Taylor Walker Fit Barry's Bootcamp

Barry’s Bootcamp: My Journey to Client to Instructor

You guys, I have been so excited to share this news with all of you…

Barry's Bootcamp Taylor Walker Fit Sweat


As many of you know, we packed up our little Miami life in December to head west to the Bay Area. It was one of the hardest, most emotional and exhausting times in my life.  By the time February rolled around, I found myself crawling my way out of a dark hole, hormones began to level out and we were finding our way. CJ started sleeping again and my body was still weak, but feeling stronger by the day. CJ and I made time for our daily walks and our home finally felt like, well, HOME. I even made a friend off The Peanut app and joined my local gym. I was able  to get some “me time” while CJ was tucked safely in their daycare and before I knew it, it was March.

I was asked to go to L.A. for a casting and as I was returning I missed my standby flight by one person. I went into the lounge and moments later this perfectly put together man walks in sporting a Barry’s Bootcamp logo across the front. We got to talking and discussed some mutual Barry’s trainer friends and even shared stories about our little ones. He asked about my blog and where I lived and when I asked him where he taught he chuckled and said: “Actually, I am the CEO.”

Guys, I was talking to Joey Gonzalez, CEO of Barry’s Bootcamp since 2015. Shortly after our chat, he asked if I wanted to come take class and connected me with Tommy Stracke, senior trainer and real life superhero/gentle giant. Three days later, I found myself scared to death, in my postpartum body, waiting to enter the red room for the VERY FIRST TIME. Little did I know, it would be FAR FROM scary. Challenging, HELL YES, but scary it was not. In those 50 minutes, my life was changed for the better.

After class, Tommy connected me to his equally incredible Fiancé, Ericka Stenz , who asked me to take some classes and do a mini audition a couple of weeks later. The process lasted from April to June and during that span of time, I took as many classes as physically possible.  To date, I have roughly 30 classes under my belt, and can wholeheartedly agree that Barry’s is the BEST WORKOUT IN THE WORLD.

At Barry’s, I found my new home. I found my new family.

My first class is around the corner!

I will be teaching July 15th at 5:30 PM in Burlingame. In the next week or two I will be sharing what to expect in class and my thoughts on the experience. Feel free to e-mail me or connect on Instagram if you want to come sweat.

I am nervous, excited and so thankful for this opportunity. After becoming a mom, I thought my dreams would be put on hold forever. Thankfully, fate stepped in and showed me that I still have the opportunity to write my own story and forge my own path. Has it been easy? NO! Worth it, YES!

In Novemeber, 3-months postpartum,  I taught a wellness event. My mom came to watch CJ and as she was walking out,  a woman stopped her and they started chatting. My mom informed them that we were moving to the Bay Area and the woman said: WOW! It is going to be really hard for her to make a name for herself out there, it’s really competitive. To which my mom responded: “Well, you don’t know my daughter”. Go MOM! I am hoping that I can make an impact out here. With hard-work, grit and a learning-curve, I can make a positive impact on the community and I hope you will come support me.

Barry’s Bootcamp, I have found my home away from home. My family away from family and I am PUMPED to begin this journey.

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